Three Reasons Why You
Haven’t Created a Compelling Brand

Three Reasons Why You <br>Haven’t Created a Compelling Brand
There’s a lot of information available today telling you how to build a more compelling brand. They’ll tell you that you need only follow their system or their strategy, write this type of copy, create that kind of opt-in or place these Facebook ads and voliá, your brand will shine, you’ll grow your following and finally get more clients and make more money. I’d like to call bullshit. I’m not saying that there isn’t some good information out there, BUT, until you have these three things in place, no amount of Facebook advertising, pretty websites or email broadcasts is going to save you. Read More

How Big is Your Brave?
Let’s Slay the Final Quarter of 2020.

How Big is Your Brave? <br>Let’s Slay the Final Quarter of 2020.
I believe that worthiness and creating a powerful, compelling brand are inextricably linked. For a woman to truly claim her sovereignty, she must clear out the dusty old patriarchal cobwebs of limiting beliefs, stop playing small, harness her courage and be willing to take massive action – even if she’s afraid. Then when she builds a solid brand foundation with strategy and focus, that’s when the magic happens. If you would like to work closely with me (and an intimate group of kickass women!) for the next three months, read more about the Step Into the Spotlight program here. Read More

From the SheBrand Community: Free Courses and Classes and E-books, Oh My!

From the SheBrand Community: Free Courses and Classes and E-books, Oh My!
A couple of weeks ago, I reached out to the SheBrand community and asked everyone if they would like to gift others in our group with helpful resources that they felt would provide value at this time. Well, our SheBrand community did not disappoint. Many people responded with access to courses, videos, podcasts, webinars and e-books focused on small business tools, networking, writing, stress, resilience, leadership and more. Here you will find a list of resources with links to claim them. It is my hope that you will find what you need most – and share this post with others who may need some support at this vulnerable time. Read More

Build a Better Brand in 2020

Build a Better Brand in 2020
In today’s overcrowded and noisy marketplace filled with 24/7 newsfeeds, emails, messages and social channels, it takes a lot more than a pretty logo or a Facebook ad to get someone’s attention. In the last few years, SheBrand has created a few resources to help you gain the clarity, focus and direction you need to launch your brand or take it to the next level. And they’re yours at no charge. Read More

Create a More Compelling Brand in 2019
with the One Page Brand Plan

Create a More Compelling Brand in 2019 <br>with the One Page Brand Plan
In today’s overcrowded and noisy marketplace filled with 24/7 newsfeeds, emails, messages and social channels, it takes a lot more than a pretty logo to stand out. Whether you’re selling a product, service, workshop – or anything else for that matter – the best way to get your target audience’s attention is to develop a relationship with them. Read More