One thing I know for sure is that what often arises through crisis and uncertainty is creativity, innovation, goodwill and opportunity. A couple of weeks ago, I reached out to the SheBrand community and asked everyone if they would like to gift others in our group with helpful resources that they felt would provide value at this time.
Well, our SheBrand community did not disappoint.
Many people responded with access to courses, videos, podcasts, webinars and e-books focused on small business tools, networking, writing, stress, resilience, leadership and more. Below you will find a list of resources with links to claim them. It is my hope that you will find what you need most – and share this post with others who may need some support at this vulnerable time.
If you would like to share a resource that may be helpful to those in our community, please email with “Community Resource” in the subject line and we’ll add you to our ongoing list below.
And don’t forget you can get your SheBrand Brand Clarity worksheet here, and free access to our Build a Better Brand in 7 Days course here.
Melissa Camara Wilkins
The Find Yourself Mini-Course
5 quick lessons on how to show up as your true self in the world
In the Find Yourself mini-course from blogger, author and speaker, Melissa Camara Wilkins, you’ll learn to give yourself permission to be who you really are, so you can show up bravely as your whole self in your real life. Because the world needs YOU—you know, the you underneath all those expectations, the you behind the mask. Let’s find THAT you again.
Jennifer Tracy
Unlock Your Story
Clear your path and write
Free during the month of May with the VIP code SHEBRAND
(Regularly priced at $47)
Unlock Your Story, from writer, producer, actor and content creator, Jennifer Tracy, is an online, do-at-your-own-pace course that helps you do the inner work that is necessary to clear the path (get rid of old bullsh$t that doesn’t serve you and, in fact, blocks you from writing) so that you can claim your story and write the eff out of it! When you do the Unlocked work, you’ll learn to trust yourself and you’ll uncover your WHY which will reveal your story genre, structure, point of your story and lead you into the characters that you need to work on in order to move on to the next steps and write forward to get your draft done! You’ll receive both audio and video lessons, a workbook with assignments and prompts and a nine-minute meditation from Jen.
Pamela Slim
Prepare for a New Future
Resources for balancing and managing your business during Covid-19
Business coach and author Pamela Slim has put together a resource page for her free webinars on topics such as balancing short and long term business planning during COVID-19, starting or restarting your newsletter, and befriending your marketing monsters.
Pam’s husband Darryl is a traditional Navajo healer and also has been posting recordings of his calming meditations and songs.

Susan Hyatt
Get Lifted Mini Challenge
Shift your vibes and your mindset
May 13th – 15th (sign up now!)
These are trying times. We are all dealing with unusual levels of stress. You might be feeling depleted, anxious, uninspired or stagnant. You want to feel different – vibrant, hopeful, healthy, strong, energized and elevated. Well, amazing ideas happen…even amidst a pandemic. Susan envisioned an inspirational rooftop event because she believes that we can create whatever we crave. She planned GET LIFTED for this May. Tickets were free. The playlist was rockin’. Sparkling wine and a stunning view were picked out. Then we all had to shelter in place. No travel. No groups. At least not right now.
But Susan knows that we can create whatever it is we desire. She wants to help you lift your mood, bring your energy levels up, and create the life you desire… even when circumstances aren’t exactly perfect. So, she created an online challenge for women and girls of all ages with daily videos and action steps to help you shift your vibes, boost your mindset, get more energy and glow from the inside out!
Leila Bulling Towne
Raise Your EQ in One Hour
Powerful exercises for raising your Emotional Intelligence
Leila is an executive coach based in the San Francisco Bay Area working with start-ups as well as Fortune 500 clients, coaching CEO’s and leaders 1:1 and facilitating leadership offsites and development programs. Leila’s new venture, launches in June with online training for leaders and managers, 15 minutes at a time.
Leila is offering the SheBrand community an opportunity to up their Emotional Intelligence game with two free live workshops on EQ. The first one is titled, Raise Your EQ in One Hour, and it’s on May 21 at 12 noon PDT/3 pm EDT. Who doesn’t need to better understand how their feelings impact their decisions these days? Leila is a recognized expert in Emotional Intelligence, and this is an amazing opportunity to join her for quick yet powerful exercises and also some live coaching. (She’s saving 20 minutes in each workshop to address your EQ challenges.)
Caryn Gillen
Network Like a Boss Online
A heart-centered toolkit for networking online
Caryn Gillen is a life and business coach for entrepreneurs who haven’t created the results they know they’re capable of…yet! She helps them grow businesses they love, and love running. She recently created an online training on networking in the era of Covid-19 – especially for people who don’t like to network! The way we do everything has been upended, including how we connect.
If you want to know a heart-centered way forward, join this free training where you’ll:
- Come out of this time with a stronger network than you had at the start.
- Know how to walk into any (virtual) room and come out with more hope than you went in with.
- Learn how to meet people in a way that feels like you, no sleaze!
- Get access to some of the most open-hearted networking training you’ve ever encountered.
- Have a safe group space to try out what you learn, or just watch and see.

Kelly Noonan Gores
HEAL Webinar with Gregg Braden and Dr. Joe Dispenza
Learn about the current challenges we face and the power of the healer within
HEAL is a film by Kelly Noonan Gores about the power of the mind to heal the body, featuring Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton and Marianne Williamson, currently airing on Netflix. In this free, one-hour webinar for SheBrand readers, HEAL director and author Kelly Noonan Gores leads a discussion with teachers Gregg Braden on Dr. Joe Dispenza on the challenges we currently face and how the greatest healer is within.
Pilar Gerasimo
The 14-Day Healthy Deviant Adventure
An experiment in radical self-replenishment
Healthy Deviance is the renegade act of being energized, radiant, and resilient in a society where, sadly, most people are either stuck in a downward spiral or just getting by. Join award-winning health journalist and founding editor of Experience Life magazine, Pilar Gerasimo, on a 14-Day Healthy Deviant Adventure — an “experiment in radical self-replenishment“ inspired by Pilar’s new book, The Healthy Deviant: A Rule Breaker’s Guide to Being Healthy in an Unhealthy World.
The program includes 14 daily guided video sessions, a 60+ page downloadable Healthy Deviant Adventure Guidebook, a Progress Tracker, support and camaraderie from Pilar in the Healthy Deviant Facebook Group and more!
Melissa Joy Jonsson
Joy Mapping One Hour Webinar
How to stay emotionally and energetically healthy
Melissa Joy is an author, speaker, and the creator and instructor of the Joy Mapping process, a signature blueprint that provides a new language to experience self-love as integrity.
It is scientifically proven that our emotions and thoughts influence our physical health. Emotions and thoughts based on fear and worry place an unnecessary stress and burden on our immune system, contributing to illness and disease. We can’t control what comes our way, but we can command how we deal with it. In an era of 24-hours news cycles, it’s important to use discernment when weeding through fact vs. fiction about Coronavirus and COVID-19. In this free, one-hour webinar exclusively for SheBrand readers, discover several key ways to stay emotionally and energetically healthy during this time of pandemic.
(You’ll receive a separate email with a link to the video once you’ve signed up)

Brittany Boersma
Chair Yoga Class Brittany with BZen Wellness
An all-levels yoga class from a chair
“Mothers throughout history have been worshipped, revered, analyzed and even criticized. Every one of us was created through the wondrous workings of a woman’s body; each of us has a mother. But being a mother is more than a biological concept. In India, women who are profoundly nurturing, compassionate, and wise are publicly acknowledged by the title “Holy Mother.”” -Madisyn Taylor cofounder of DailyMOM
Enjoy this all-levels yoga class from a chair with a beautiful dedication to Brittany’s mother and all mothers. If you know someone who might benefit from a chair yoga class, please share it with them!
Throughout this stay-at-home order, Brittany is also offering weekly donation-based Yin yoga classes in her living room through Zoom. This is an excellent practice to calm the nervous system and meditate while holding postures for longer periods of time. You can find her classes here.
Paige How
Leading from Home e-guide
Easy action steps to refocus and show up as the leader you are
Leadership can be a minefield for women at the best of times…add in the current pressures of the CV-19 world we find ourselves in and even the areas we felt in control of seem to be falling apart. This Leading from Home e-guide gives you quick, easy to action steps that refocus you to show up as the leader you are. It breaks leadership down into three sections: Managing yourself as a leader, leading your peeps and taking care of business. From my lockdown bubble to yours, I truly hope it helps.
Philiy Page
Creative Women International Survival Pack
Podcasts, workbooks and worksheets to help you focus and move forward
Creative Women International is a woman only community with meet ups, training, and support, for creative professional women around the world- currently over 30 countries and counting. Founder Philiy Page is a writer, photojournalist, producer, film production manager, teacher and trainer.
When everything is in flux you still have the power to take control of your future. To help you on your way Philiy Page created a survival pack of podcasts, workbooks and worksheets to help you focus on what’s possible, deal with feelings of anxiety and overwhelm and take steps to move forwards.
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