You Should Know Her:
Denise Duffield-Thomas

You Should Know Her: <br>Denise Duffield-Thomas
Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mindset mentor for the new wave of entrepreneurs. She is an award-winning speaker, author and entrepreneur helping women create wealth through her mindset courses and practical wisdom on releasing money blocks. She inspires women to overcome their fear of money, set premium prices for their services and take back control of their finances. Read More

How to Create a Successful Blog
Part Five: It’s OK to Stop Blogging (Seriously!)

How to Create a Successful Blog <br>Part Five: It’s OK to Stop Blogging (Seriously!)
We’re coming to the end of a five-part series on how to build a successful blog. So far, we’ve discussed several things, including how to define what having a “successful blog” actually means to you. How to come up with a structure for your blog. How to drive more traffic to your blog. And more. And now, for the final installment of this series, I have some unexpected advice for you. I want you to know… It’s OK to stop blogging. Read More

Work with Me in 2019
and Step into the Spotlight

Work with Me in 2019 <br>and Step into the Spotlight
If you want a whole new level of brand awareness and visibility in 2019 and the tools to propel you forward, this program is not to be missed. Step into the spotlight with me and a small group of women working for their seat at the table. No. More. Hiding. Read More

How to Create a Successful Blog
Part Two: Structure and Schedule

How to Create a Successful Blog <br>Part Two: Structure and Schedule
If you’re feeling blog-overwhelm, I recommend introducing some structure and schedule. It only takes a bit of planning to end all the wheel-spinning, fretting, and frustration that many bloggers experience. You’ll even build a stronger sense of trust with your readers simultaneously. Read More

How to Create a Successful Blog
Part One: Defining Success

How to Create a Successful Blog <br>Part One: Defining Success
So you’ve taken the plunge and you’ve started a blog. What now? Clients often ask me, “What’s the right approach? Should I be posting daily? Weekly? What’s the secret sauce that gets people reading and coming back for more?” Most importantly, “How can I make sure that my blog is successful and translating into sales?” All of these answers begin with just one question. Read More