You Should Know Her: Chiara Mazzucco

You Should Know Her: Chiara Mazzucco
You should know Empowered Mindset Coach and author Chiara Mazzucco who helps women find and connect with their inner strength to build the life of their dreams. Right now, she’s heavily focused on helping women monetize their stories and start their service based side hustles. Find out the piece of advice she’d give women dealing with fear today. Read More

Style & Substance: In Conversation with
Kelly Rutherford and Liz Dennery Sanders

Style & Substance: In Conversation with <br>Kelly Rutherford and Liz Dennery Sanders
When Kelly found out that I had written a book to help women connect to their voices, step into their power and be more successful, in true best friend fashion, she offered to do a sit-down interview with me so that we could get this information to as many people as possible. We sat in my living room, Oprah-style, and dished on branding, feminism, the power of intention, and much, much more. Read More

Watch my Diva Business School Podcast Interview & Learn How to Create a Brand You Love

Watch my Diva Business School Podcast Interview & Learn How to Create a Brand You Love
I was a recent guest on the Diva Business School Podcast with my friend, Stacey Smith. Stacey created Diva Business School to help women connect to their voice and authenticity, tap into their creativity, and express themselves more powerfully in the world. This was an awesome conversation with lots of branding gems and insights. Read More

You Should Know Her: Liz Plank

You Should Know Her: Liz Plank
Liz is an award-winning journalist and the Executive Producer of Divided States of Women at Vox Media.  In 2016, she produced and hosted an  award-winning series about the presidential election called 2016ish where she interviewed political figures, such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Liz is amongst Mediaite’s 2016 Most Influential in News Media, and presented a TEDxNormal Talk,  How to Be a Man: A Woman’s Guide, which she is currently using to inspire her first book to be published in 2019. You should know her. Read More

The Activist’s Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

The Activist’s Valentine’s Day Gift Guide
I have always loved Valentine’s Day. An entire day dedicated to love? Sign me up. As a young girl I would beg my mother to take me to the drugstore the week before Valentine’s Day so I could buy cards and chocolates for my friends. Read More