Five Ways to Better Engage
the Female Consumer

Five Ways to Better Engage <br>the Female Consumer
With the close of 2019 upon us and the bright shiny fresh start of a new year (and new decade!), it’s time to plan your marketing strategy for 2020. Instead of focusing on the latest algorithms, it’s time to invest in something much more powerful for your brand’s success: women. Read More

Women Leading the Conversation: The Series

Women Leading the Conversation: The Series
I recently launched a curated series of talks, Women Leading the Conversation, that will focus on some of today’s most fascinating female changemakers, trailblazers and rule breakers. These are women who aren’t afraid to speak out, challenge the status quo and break all kinds of glass ceilings. They are the ones who are creating today’s most interesting and provocative conversations, and I want to share them with you. Read More

Work with Me in 2019
and Step into the Spotlight

Work with Me in 2019 <br>and Step into the Spotlight
If you want a whole new level of brand awareness and visibility in 2019 and the tools to propel you forward, this program is not to be missed. Step into the spotlight with me and a small group of women working for their seat at the table. No. More. Hiding. Read More

Neutral Women Do Not
Change the Tide of History

Neutral Women Do Not <br>Change the Tide of History
My good friend, Susan Hyatt, wrote something on her Instagram feed last week that resonated deeply with me. She said, “Neutral women do not change the tide of history. I have no interest in being neutral.” I, too, have no interest in being neutral. Political apathy is dangerous, and plenty of politicians are counting on your apathy in this midterm election tomorrow. WE cannot be apathetic. Read More

You Should Know Her: Nicole àBeckett

You Should Know Her: Nicole àBeckett
Nicole àBeckett is the Co-Founder of SameSide, and is empowering passionate people to make their voices heard through grassroots political action. She has lead tens of thousands of political forces canvassing for issues like protecting Obamacare, women’s pay equality, LGBTQ+ rights, defending DACA and criminal justice reform. Read More