How to Create a Successful Blog
Part Five: It’s OK to Stop Blogging (Seriously!)

How to Create a Successful Blog <br>Part Five: It’s OK to Stop Blogging (Seriously!)
We’re coming to the end of a five-part series on how to build a successful blog. So far, we’ve discussed several things, including how to define what having a “successful blog” actually means to you. How to come up with a structure for your blog. How to drive more traffic to your blog. And more. And now, for the final installment of this series, I have some unexpected advice for you. I want you to know… It’s OK to stop blogging. Read More

Create a More Compelling Brand in 2019
with the One Page Brand Plan

Create a More Compelling Brand in 2019 <br>with the One Page Brand Plan
In today’s overcrowded and noisy marketplace filled with 24/7 newsfeeds, emails, messages and social channels, it takes a lot more than a pretty logo to stand out. Whether you’re selling a product, service, workshop – or anything else for that matter – the best way to get your target audience’s attention is to develop a relationship with them. Read More

How to Create a Successful Blog
Part Four: Get More Traffic

How to Create a Successful Blog <br>Part Four: Get More Traffic
If you’ve followed along with parts one, two, and three of this series, then things are rolling for your blog and it’s time to build your audience. There are so many different ways to drive traffic to your blog and get more people reading your work. Here are 12 steps you can take. Read More

Your New Life is Waiting:
The SheBrand Life Vision 2019 Workbook

Your New Life is Waiting: <br>The SheBrand Life Vision 2019 Workbook
Most people write out the exact same resolutions year after year for at least a decade and never actually accomplish them. How many times have you done this, only to feel deflated by the end of January when most of them have fallen victim to more pressing matters? I believe there is a much better way to get clear, feel good, set powerful intentions and then take inspired action to reach your goals and live a more fulfilling life. Read More

How to Create a Successful Blog
Part Three: Serve Your People

How to Create a Successful Blog <br>Part Three: Serve Your People
Blogging is a lot like giving a performance onstage. You get up there. You deliver your best material. And then, you want to see the audience react. You want to feel like you’re serving your audience—inspiring them, delighting them, and holding their attention, not boring them! But in order to serve your audience, first, you need to understand what they want and need. How can you figure this out? It’s not actually that difficult. Read More