How to Capture Attention
in Today’s Crowded Digital Space

How to Capture Attention <br>in Today’s Crowded Digital Space
Many statisticians and trend forecasters have predicted that we have fast-forwarded in the online space by six to eight years in the last 10 months alone. There is more noise, clutter and uncertainty than ever before and most people will continue to interact, engage and purchase online long after the pandemic is behind us. In the face of such fierce competition based on sheer volume, how do you capture the attention of your prospective customers? How do you make sure that you are seen and heard, and most importantly, that you make an emotional connection with them? In an increasingly crowded online space, there are two questions you must ask yourself before diving into content creation and marketing. Read More

Five Ways to Better Engage
the Female Consumer

Five Ways to Better Engage <br>the Female Consumer
With the close of 2019 upon us and the bright shiny fresh start of a new year (and new decade!), it’s time to plan your marketing strategy for 2020. Instead of focusing on the latest algorithms, it’s time to invest in something much more powerful for your brand’s success: women. Read More

Create a More Compelling Brand in 2019
with the One Page Brand Plan

Create a More Compelling Brand in 2019 <br>with the One Page Brand Plan
In today’s overcrowded and noisy marketplace filled with 24/7 newsfeeds, emails, messages and social channels, it takes a lot more than a pretty logo to stand out. Whether you’re selling a product, service, workshop – or anything else for that matter – the best way to get your target audience’s attention is to develop a relationship with them. Read More