You’re Registered to Vote or Voted Early
(YAY You!) Now What?

You’re Registered to Vote or Voted Early <br>(YAY You!) Now What?
It’s no understatement to say that in three weeks, we will hold the most consequential election of our lifetime. So many things are at stake: sane, empathic leadership, access to quality healthcare, our Supreme Court, equality and civil rights – not to mention the fate of our planet and a pandemic that has already taken more than 210,000 American lives. If you’re already registered, bravo. But that’s not enough, my friend. Now let’s take action. Here are five things you can do right now. Read More

There is Work to Be Done:
Anti-Racism Resources

There is Work to Be Done: <br>Anti-Racism Resources
I sat at my computer keyboard many times this week trying to find the words to best express my sadness at the horrible and violent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and the countless others that came before them. I am outraged at the police brutality and the racial injustice that still permeates our society at every level. But I also realize that my outrage is not nearly enough. I want to listen and I want to learn, but I also want to speak out and I want to help. Find anti-racism resources here. Read More