Why Media is Important for Women
Who Want More Influence

Why Media is Important for Women <br>Who Want More Influence
So, you’ve done the hard work of breathing life into your business, and now you’re ready to share it with the world. The only question is — How?! How do you get your name out there? How do you stand out? How do you earn the world’s trust? The answer, my friend, is by tapping into the power of the media. Learn why media is important for establishing credibility, amplifying your brand, and women’s empowerment as a whole. Read More

The Meaning of Influence and How You
Can Build a More Powerful Brand

The Meaning of Influence and How You <br>Can Build a More Powerful Brand
I know we can’t all have an empire like Kim Kardashian, but the good news is your brand doesn’t have to be world-famous to have brand influence! Learn what influence is, who has it, how to measure YOUR brand’s influence, and how to use traditional media, celebrities and influencers to grow your brand today. Read More

Supercharge Your Brand by Crafting
a Clear and Compelling Offer

Supercharge Your Brand by Crafting <br>a Clear and Compelling Offer
Things just aren’t adding up… You’ve worked hard to build your brand, and you feel like you’re doing everything you’re supposed to do. You’ve got the website, the email list, and your posting on social, but NO ONE is converting… all you hear are crickets. So what gives?! Unfortunately, your offer may be falling flat. But don’t worry — we can fix that! Read More

A Call to Women: Are You Free if
All of Us Are Not Free?

A Call to Women: Are You Free if <br>All of Us Are Not Free?
As we approach the Independence Day holiday, I can’t help but feel the intense hypocrisy of this moment. The often-overlooked reality is, Independence Day did not bring liberty and justice for all. There are many who rightfully will not be celebrating freedom today. Read More

The Secret to Building a
Better Brand in 2022

The Secret to Building a <br>Better Brand in 2022
January has been branded as the “New Year, New You” month. But when it comes to building a better brand, it’s a marathon not a sprint. The strongest, most compelling brands are focused on clarity, consistency, and connection year-round. Build a better brand in 2022 by assessing your assets, finding your North Star, honing your offer, harnessing testimonials, and leveraging media & celebrities. Read More