Supercharge Your Brand by Crafting
a Clear and Compelling Offer

Supercharge Your Brand by Crafting <br>a Clear and Compelling Offer
Things just aren’t adding up… You’ve worked hard to build your brand, and you feel like you’re doing everything you’re supposed to do. You’ve got the website, the email list, and your posting on social, but NO ONE is converting… all you hear are crickets. So what gives?! Unfortunately, your offer may be falling flat. But don’t worry — we can fix that! Read More

Share Your Pics of Style & Substance on Instagram and WIN an iPad, Glossier Goodies, a Session with Me and MORE!

Share Your Pics of Style & Substance on Instagram and WIN an iPad, Glossier Goodies, a Session with Me and MORE!
For the next 14 days (from Monday April 14, 2018 through Sunday April 29, 2018), when you share a picture of Style & Substance on Instagram and you tag me, @shebrandliz and use the hashtag #styleandsubstance in your caption, you’ll be automatically entered to win one of our fabulous prizes. Read More