We Must Save Ourselves

We Must Save Ourselves
Today is a pivotal moment in our history. Many of us have called this the most consequential election of our lifetime. We’re not wrong. But here’s the truth: this is so much more than a presidential election. In fact, no matter what happens today, you will wake up on Wednesday morning, and you will still need to be ready to fight the good fight – for justice, for integrity, for a kinder and more compassionate country for all of us. We the people must save ourselves. Read More

You’re Registered to Vote or Voted Early
(YAY You!) Now What?

You’re Registered to Vote or Voted Early <br>(YAY You!) Now What?
It’s no understatement to say that in three weeks, we will hold the most consequential election of our lifetime. So many things are at stake: sane, empathic leadership, access to quality healthcare, our Supreme Court, equality and civil rights – not to mention the fate of our planet and a pandemic that has already taken more than 210,000 American lives. If you’re already registered, bravo. But that’s not enough, my friend. Now let’s take action. Here are five things you can do right now. Read More