Confidence in Chucks: Kamala Makes
History and Paves the Way

Confidence in Chucks: Kamala Makes History and Paves the Way

“You may be the first but you won’t be the last.” These powerful words spoken by the mother of Kamala Harris speak to the momentous occasion that changed the landscape of politics and women’s participation in society with the cast of millions of ballots. We are changed by our leaders and we change the world when we elect the leaders we want to see.

History Is Now

It’s Black History Month, and what a time in our history to celebrate! In February (and every day!) we honor in an intentional way the incredible Black women who have affected so much change in the world. Women like Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, Audre Lorde, Shirley Chisholm, and modern-day heroes like Maxine Waters and Stacey Abrams come to mind.

While looking back is an important tradition, we can also look to right now in celebrating Black history. It is so important to acknowledge what is true: Black history is happening right now and it’s incredible.

With the election of a Black and Indian Vice-President, Kamala Harris, a woman of formidable strength and talent, the dream of what could be possible has fundamentally changed for young girls, women of color and the people they inspire.

“This will be the last day there has never been a female Vice President” were the words of a tweet that went viral because it spoke to what was so momentous about the day before Inauguration Day. Life was going to change the next day and that day represented the remains of a time where the future felt limited.

Confidence in Chucks: Kamala Makes History and Paves the Way

Representation in Leadership Is Powerful

Representation matters, not just for women and women of color but for everyone. Representation lets us alter the mental map of what is possible for us and each other. It lets us dream bigger, show up bolder and lead braver. While no permission slip is needed to thrive and succeed, seeing someone else go first emboldens budding leaders to keep going because it’s been done before and it can be done again.

When Kamala Harris said “I’m speaking”, the world heard her and every woman who has been spoken over, disrespected and overlooked. It has never been ok for entitled, self-righteous men to use women to deflect and distract from their own inadequacies. Kamala’s firm boundaries and deeply rooted confidence allowed her to stand tall when someone tried to keep her down. It set an example and normalized being assertive and not being talked over.

With just two words, Kamala stood up for herself, called out an injustice that was happening and asserted her right to be heard. She spoke to what was happening, what so many women have experienced around boardroom tables and water coolers and even in doctor’s offices everywhere. The invalidation of someone interrupting your important message can feel silencing, but Kamala spoke up for every woman when she spoke up for herself. “I’m speaking.”


Finding Joy in the Journey

While Kamala has faced a great deal of racism, discrimination and aggression because she dared to lead as a woman of color, she also centered something really important in the way she showed up on the campaign trail and in life: joy. Facing big barriers and the stress of life in politics, Kamala chose to dance and be playful, embracing her own personal style with her Chuck Taylors.

Madam Vice President has invited us all to consider what we are capable of, how we can show up confidently even when the world is betting against us and to celebrate our success. When we win, all women win, and being able to believe in yourself enough to get elected to public office makes a difference in the lives of all women.

As we celebrate Black History month, let us not forget the incredible women of today who are making Black History every day in the way they show up and shine with confidence, paving the way for other women to join them. With a leader like Kamala Harris, history is now and it’s incredibly exciting.


  1. […] Red state Blue and it only took them ten plus years to do it. Inauguration Day 2021: we witnessed a Black-Indian woman sworn in as our Vice President, a Latina popstar sing her heart out, a young Black Poet Laureate who made us cry with her […]

  2. […] can do great things. There is power in numbers. Progress has certainly been made in 2021. We have a Black-Indian female VP in the White House, and more women and women of color than ever before in both Congress and the Senate. Yet, for every […]