How to Create a Successful Blog
Part Two: Structure and Schedule

How to Create a Successful Blog <br>Part Two: Structure and Schedule
If you’re feeling blog-overwhelm, I recommend introducing some structure and schedule. It only takes a bit of planning to end all the wheel-spinning, fretting, and frustration that many bloggers experience. You’ll even build a stronger sense of trust with your readers simultaneously. Read More

How to Create a Successful Blog
Part One: Defining Success

How to Create a Successful Blog <br>Part One: Defining Success
So you’ve taken the plunge and you’ve started a blog. What now? Clients often ask me, “What’s the right approach? Should I be posting daily? Weekly? What’s the secret sauce that gets people reading and coming back for more?” Most importantly, “How can I make sure that my blog is successful and translating into sales?” All of these answers begin with just one question. Read More

Don’t Just Share What You Do. Share WHY.

Don’t Just Share What You Do. Share WHY.
If you want to create a beloved brand, don’t just share what you do. Share why. To build a brand with a strong and loyal following the key is expressing why you do what you do. This is how you’ll attract clients who believe in what you’re selling and feel a strong emotional connection to your products or services. Read More

Three Ways to Create a More
Compelling Brand

Three Ways to Create a More <br>Compelling Brand
One of the most common questions I get from blog readers, clients, and social media followers is, “How can I create a better brand and attract more clients?” I could write an entire book on this topic. (Oh wait, I did!) But as a starting point, here are three things you should definitely be doing. Read More

Spring Clean Your Closet and
Refresh Your Brand

Spring Clean Your Closet and <br>Refresh Your Brand
Why is it that we tend to go to our old closet standbys and let some of our other great looks fall in with the clutter? If you are wearing the same pieces of clothing again and again, it’s time to do something about it. Build a wardrobe that you love, and that truly represents the brand YOU. Read More