A Love Letter to Women:
Why I Wrote Style & Substance

I’ve been working with brands for more than half my life. What began as a few internships at advertising agencies and public relations firms during my college years, eventually turned into working on advertising and marketing campaigns for some of the biggest fashion brands in the world. Some of these being Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Prada, Versace and more at Harper’s Bazaar during my time in New York City.

Every campaign felt like a puzzle to be solved – a puzzle filled with questions like, “What does this company stand for?” What’s the central promise they want to make to their customers?” “Is that promise being expressed clearly and consistently?” “Do consumers see it, feel it and believe it?” I loved seeing how the right language, photography, graphics and so many other elements come together to make a company’s promise and value – its brand – shine through.

Many years later I founded SheBrand – my second company – to specifically help women build compelling, successful brands. But as I began to work closely with my clients, I discovered that many of them had something in common: they were swayed by bright, shiny marketing objects, and felt they needed to be everywhere and do everything in order to be successful. They’d spread themselves too thin and wind up feeling frustrated and exhausted, with no more dollars in the bank. Not exactly a recipe for success.

I often found myself saying, “Let’s get back to basics. Forget about your logo, your website and your Facebook advertising for a minute. Let’s start by laying a solid foundation for your brand. Let’s figure out who you are, what you stand for, what you offer (and to whom), why you do what you do – and most importantly, the promise of value you’re making to your consumer. Let’s put together the GPS – a Brand Handbook – for your brand.”

That’s the first reason I wrote this book.

I wanted to create a tool to help women build more compelling brands, stand out, attract more clients, grow their audience and make more money. In business today, women need the right tools to build their confidence and their platforms.

The second – and much deeper – reason I wrote this book is because we need more women to step up and say, “I can do this.” We need more women in positions of power and more women with a seat at the table. We need women to connect to the truth of who they are and the important work they are doing, speak up and play bigger in the world.

As Oprah eloquently said during her acceptance speech as the first African American woman to receive the Cecile B. DeMille Award at the Golden Globes, “What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.” In order to create a truly compelling brand and platform, you must deeply connect to your truth – your raison d’etre – and communicate it in a powerful and engaging way. Truth builds resonance. And resonance creates an emotional connection.

In Style & Substance, my intention is to give you my branding knowledge – and all of the questions and exercises I use with my clients – in one simple workbook you can work through on your own to start building a solid foundation for your brand.

I created this book because I want you to succeed – madly. Like over-the-top, insane, rock star success. I want you to get more of everything you want – more clients, more money, more opportunities, and the chance to help more people.

The Dalai Lama once said, “The world will be saved by the Western woman.” I couldn’t agree more.

When one woman rises, other women rise, too.

Rise sister, rise.



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If you’re ready for more brand clarity, more clients and more money, then this is the book for you.
Learn how to build an iconic brand that’s immediately recognizable, just like Chanel, DryBar and Beyoncé
(even if you don’t have a Beyoncé-sized budget!) If you’re a consultant, coach, service professional or any entrepreneur, Style & Substance is a must-read. Get your copy RIGHT HERE.


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