Biz Success  Brand You  
How to Maintain a Strong Brand
in the Midst of Uncertainty
Thursday, May 7, 2020
We are currently living through one of the most vulnerable and uncertain times in our history. None of us have experienced what is happening now in our lifetime. We are in this storm together, but we are on different ships, experiencing all different kinds of turbulence. If you are a business owner, you may be asking yourself, “how do I navigate these rough seas? How do I stay afloat?” Here are five steps to maintaining – and even growing – your brand in the midst of uncertainty…
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How to Create a Successful Blog
Part Three: Serve Your People
Monday, December 3, 2018
Blogging is a lot like giving a performance onstage. You get up there. You deliver your best material. And then, you want to see the audience react. You want to feel like you’re serving your audience—inspiring them, delighting them, and holding their attention, not boring them! But in order to serve your audience, first, you need to understand what they want and need. How can you figure this out? It’s not actually that difficult.
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