Three Reasons Why You
Haven’t Created a Compelling Brand

Three Reasons Why You <br>Haven’t Created a Compelling Brand
There’s a lot of information available today telling you how to build a more compelling brand. They’ll tell you that you need only follow their system or their strategy, write this type of copy, create that kind of opt-in or place these Facebook ads and voliá, your brand will shine, you’ll grow your following and finally get more clients and make more money. I’d like to call bullshit. I’m not saying that there isn’t some good information out there, BUT, until you have these three things in place, no amount of Facebook advertising, pretty websites or email broadcasts is going to save you. Read More

You Should Know Her:
Denise Duffield-Thomas

You Should Know Her: <br>Denise Duffield-Thomas
Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mindset mentor for the new wave of entrepreneurs. She is an award-winning speaker, author and entrepreneur helping women create wealth through her mindset courses and practical wisdom on releasing money blocks. She inspires women to overcome their fear of money, set premium prices for their services and take back control of their finances. Read More

You Should Know Her: Chiara Mazzucco

You Should Know Her: Chiara Mazzucco
You should know Empowered Mindset Coach and author Chiara Mazzucco who helps women find and connect with their inner strength to build the life of their dreams. Right now, she’s heavily focused on helping women monetize their stories and start their service based side hustles. Find out the piece of advice she’d give women dealing with fear today. Read More