Thinking about starting a blog?
Or maybe you’ve already got a blog, but you don’t post very often because you’re not sure what to write about?
Maybe you feel like, “There are millions of other blogs out there, already. Why would anyone read mine? What could I possibly share that hasn’t already been said before?”
Or maybe you feel like, “In a perfect world, I would post a fabulous new article every Friday morning like clockwork. But when I sit down to write, my mind goes blank and I don’t know what to say that could possibly be interesting. Ugh.”
If you’re feeling blog-overwhelm, I recommend giving your blog some structure.
Think of your blog like a magazine. When you open a magazine, there’s a particular structure that’s identical in every single issue. Perhaps there’s a Letter from the Editor, an Advice Column, a monthly Shopping Guide, an Essay written by a guest contributor, and so on. As you flip through the magazine, you notice specific sections that always appear, month after month, issue after issue.
Give your blog a similar structure. Come up with a couple of recurring posts that you will create, over and over, so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every month.
Here’s an example…
Ellen Fondiler is a career and business strategist who helps people find work that they love. On her blog, every month, she posts the following four pieces:
– The Career Forecast. A 30-day astrological forecast that’s focused on your career, including ideal dates to ask for a raise, start a new project, take a vacation, and so on.
– Unlocked Links. A collection of Ellen’s favorite links that she’s discovered lately: books, podcasts, videos, interesting things to check out that unlock new ideas.
– How Did You Do That? An interview with someone who’s got a fascinating career. Ellen digs to find out how they did it—how they got the job, or launched their business, or created a big opportunity.
– Ask Ellen. Ellen’s monthly advice column where she tackles questions from readers (and clients) about job hunting, finding your purpose, time management, and more.
This structure makes blogging a lot easier for Ellen. Instead of constantly wondering, “What should I write about this week?” she already has a clear structure and a schedule and she knows what needs to be done. This cuts down on all the wheel-spinning and fretting and frustration that many bloggers experience. Having a tight structure also helps Ellen build a strong sense of trust with her readers. They know what to expect from Ellen and she delivers, consistently.
So, what type of structure makes sense for your blog?
What types of posts would you like to publish regularly?
If your blog were a magazine, what types of sections, columns, or featured pieces would appear in each issue?
Do you want to do a monthly Advice Column like Ellen? Do you want to publish inspiring Interviews with remarkable women, like we do here on the SheBrand blog? Do you want to post a How-To article with helpful tips every Friday? Do you want to post a piece of original photography with an inspiring quote every Sunday? Maybe you’d like to do a weekly Style Tip post plus a special Shopping Guide that rolls out once per season? (You can study other blogs, magazines, and newspapers for structural inspiration.)
Start thinking about what type of structure and schedule feels right to you—bearing in mind, of course, that the whole point of having a blog is to delight, inform, and inspire your clients and customers. What type of posts would they love to see? Which topics would appeal to them? Ultimately, it’s all about them.
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