Get in the Habit of Shining and
Connect More With Your Audience

Get in the Habit of Shining and <br>Connect More With Your Audience
Visibility in your business and brand is a powerful intention and it’s never too late to set it. We often make resolutions and set goals on January 1st to create the lives we want to live based on the habits we adopt. But you can decide today to get yourself in the habit of shining, you just have to get strategic and commit. Read More

The #1 Key to Create a More Compelling Brand in 2021 (plus the Ultimate Brand Clarity Worksheet!)

The #1 Key to Create a More Compelling Brand in 2021 (plus the Ultimate Brand Clarity Worksheet!)
In 2000, Microsoft Corp. conducted a study measuring how long people can focus on one thing for a specific amount of time. The results showed the average person’s attention span was 12 seconds. About 15 years later, it dropped to 8 seconds. In our current, mid-pandemic world with people moving into the digital space faster than ever before, attention is quickly becoming our scarcest resource. How do you capture attention and stand out in an increasingly crowded and noisy space? While there are plenty of effective ways to get the engagement you are looking for, the first place to start is with brand clarity. Read More

There’s No Such Thing as Passive Income
(or a Successful Passive Brand)

There’s No Such Thing as Passive Income <br>(or a Successful Passive Brand)
In the entrepreneurial world, the idea of building a brand and creating passive income has always been the holy grail. Do the work once, set it on auto pilot through the magic of technology and scale, and then see the dollars roll in in perpetuity. I’m sorry to disappoint, but I’m here to tell you there’s no such thing. Read More

You Can’t “Both Sides” Your Brand:
What Gap Got Wrong

You Can’t “Both Sides” Your Brand: <br>What Gap Got Wrong
While millions of votes were still being counted after a contentious election day, and there was still uncertainty about the outcome of the presidential race, The Gap tweeted an image of a half-red, half-blue hoodie bearing the brand’s logo, with the caption, “The one thing we know, is that together, we can move forward.” Here’s where the Gap went wrong, and the lesson for other brands. Read More

Three Reasons Why You
Haven’t Created a Compelling Brand

Three Reasons Why You <br>Haven’t Created a Compelling Brand
There’s a lot of information available today telling you how to build a more compelling brand. They’ll tell you that you need only follow their system or their strategy, write this type of copy, create that kind of opt-in or place these Facebook ads and voliá, your brand will shine, you’ll grow your following and finally get more clients and make more money. I’d like to call bullshit. I’m not saying that there isn’t some good information out there, BUT, until you have these three things in place, no amount of Facebook advertising, pretty websites or email broadcasts is going to save you. Read More