5 Things Brands Must Do Now to Thrive
in the Midst of Uncertainty

5 Things Brands Must Do Now to Thrive <br>in the Midst of Uncertainty
We are at a crossroads in our history and many of us find ourselves in limbo. Some of us are clinging to the past we knew, hoping that things will return to “normal,” while others still hold their breath, not quite ready to step into the unknown. If you are a business owner, you may be asking yourself, “How do I navigate these rough seas? What course corrections do I need to make?” Here are five things you can do right now to not only stabilize your business and brand but ultimately thrive in the long term. Read More

How to Maintain a Strong Brand
in the Midst of Uncertainty

How to Maintain a Strong Brand <br>in the Midst of Uncertainty
We are currently living through one of the most vulnerable and uncertain times in our history. None of us have experienced what is happening now in our lifetime. We are in this storm together, but we are on different ships, experiencing all different kinds of turbulence. If you are a business owner, you may be asking yourself, “how do I navigate these rough seas? How do I stay afloat?” Here are five steps to maintaining – and even growing – your brand in the midst of uncertainty… Read More

Don’t Just Share What You Do. Share WHY.

Don’t Just Share What You Do. Share WHY.
If you want to create a beloved brand, don’t just share what you do. Share why. To build a brand with a strong and loyal following the key is expressing why you do what you do. This is how you’ll attract clients who believe in what you’re selling and feel a strong emotional connection to your products or services. Read More

How to Use Brand Touchpoints to Create a More Compelling Brand

How to Use Brand Touchpoints to Create a More Compelling Brand
Every time someone engages with your brand in some way – through your website, your store, social media channels, products, services, meeting you in person – it is an opportunity to make a connection and forge a deeper bond. Read More