You’re Registered to Vote or Voted Early
(YAY You!) Now What?

You’re Registered to Vote or Voted Early <br>(YAY You!) Now What?
It’s no understatement to say that in three weeks, we will hold the most consequential election of our lifetime. So many things are at stake: sane, empathic leadership, access to quality healthcare, our Supreme Court, equality and civil rights – not to mention the fate of our planet and a pandemic that has already taken more than 210,000 American lives. If you’re already registered, bravo. But that’s not enough, my friend. Now let’s take action. Here are five things you can do right now. Read More

Why You’re Not Ready for Press

Why You're Not Ready for Press
If The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal or Oprah came knocking at your door today, would you be ready for them? I mean really ready – ready to talk about yourself and your business in an impactful, interesting way, speak in quick, ten second sound bites without any “ums” or “likes”, and hand over your press materials – a professional bio, headshots and lifestyle images, a FAQ sheet, talking points, and an attractive website that’s user-friendly and totally up-to-date? Read More