You’re Registered to Vote or Voted Early
(YAY You!) Now What?

You’re Registered to Vote or Voted Early <br>(YAY You!) Now What?
It’s no understatement to say that in three weeks, we will hold the most consequential election of our lifetime. So many things are at stake: sane, empathic leadership, access to quality healthcare, our Supreme Court, equality and civil rights – not to mention the fate of our planet and a pandemic that has already taken more than 210,000 American lives. If you’re already registered, bravo. But that’s not enough, my friend. Now let’s take action. Here are five things you can do right now. Read More

The Time for Being “Politically
Correct” is Over

The Time for Being “Politically <br>Correct” is Over
I’ve had many women come to me in the last year or two and ask me how I’m comfortable using my business platform to talk about politics. “Aren’t you worried about losing potential clients?” they ask, “What if you offend someone?” I usually answer with a question of my own: “How can I not talk about politics today?” Read More