Why Brands Must Take Ownership
of their Digital Real Estate

Why Brands Must Take Ownership <br>of their Digital Real Estate
Can you access your audience if your social platforms implode? Yesterday, Facebook, FB Messenger, Instagram and Whats App went down, leaving millions of content creators and influencers without access to their largest audiences. Too many people – and brands – are relying heavily on social platforms without leading their customers down a path that they own. Read More

How to Capture Attention
in Today’s Crowded Digital Space

How to Capture Attention <br>in Today’s Crowded Digital Space
Many statisticians and trend forecasters have predicted that we have fast-forwarded in the online space by six to eight years in the last 10 months alone. There is more noise, clutter and uncertainty than ever before and most people will continue to interact, engage and purchase online long after the pandemic is behind us. In the face of such fierce competition based on sheer volume, how do you capture the attention of your prospective customers? How do you make sure that you are seen and heard, and most importantly, that you make an emotional connection with them? In an increasingly crowded online space, there are two questions you must ask yourself before diving into content creation and marketing. Read More

Conversations on Brand & Worthiness

IG LIVE SERIES: <br>Conversations on Brand & Worthiness
Please join me on Instagram Live over the next two weeks for a series of intimate conversations with some truly fabulous women. We’re going to talk about how your own perceived level of worthiness affects your brand (and your bank account!), how to stand out, connect and engage in our noisy digital world, how to exercise your courage muscle and so much more! You won’t want to miss these incredible conversations. Read More

Three Ways to Create a More
Compelling Brand

Three Ways to Create a More <br>Compelling Brand
One of the most common questions I get from blog readers, clients, and social media followers is, “How can I create a better brand and attract more clients?” I could write an entire book on this topic. (Oh wait, I did!) But as a starting point, here are three things you should definitely be doing. Read More

Share Your Pics of Style & Substance on Instagram and WIN an iPad, Glossier Goodies, a Session with Me and MORE!

Share Your Pics of Style & Substance on Instagram and WIN an iPad, Glossier Goodies, a Session with Me and MORE!
For the next 14 days (from Monday April 14, 2018 through Sunday April 29, 2018), when you share a picture of Style & Substance on Instagram and you tag me, @shebrandliz and use the hashtag #styleandsubstance in your caption, you’ll be automatically entered to win one of our fabulous prizes. Read More