A Call to Women: Are You Free if
All of Us Are Not Free?

A Call to Women: Are You Free if <br>All of Us Are Not Free?
As we approach the Independence Day holiday, I can’t help but feel the intense hypocrisy of this moment. The often-overlooked reality is, Independence Day did not bring liberty and justice for all. There are many who rightfully will not be celebrating freedom today. Read More

I Am an Unapologetic Feminist.
Will You Join Me?

I Am an Unapologetic Feminist. <br>Will You Join Me?
The F-word. Let’s bring it back. I realize that it is often misunderstood. It can sometimes feel overused, but it’s valid. It’s powerful. It’s resonant. Feminism is a world-wide roar for more equality and growth. Roar with me. Read More

Don’t Get Mad, Get Even – and VOTE!

Don’t Get Mad, Get Even – and VOTE!
Getting angry is fine (I’d be surprised if you weren’t angry), but it’s how you channel that anger and frustration that matters. There’s only one way to stop the downward spiral we currently find ourselves in and course correct our current direction. Every single one of us must VOTE. Read More

The Time for Being “Politically
Correct” is Over

The Time for Being “Politically <br>Correct” is Over
I’ve had many women come to me in the last year or two and ask me how I’m comfortable using my business platform to talk about politics. “Aren’t you worried about losing potential clients?” they ask, “What if you offend someone?” I usually answer with a question of my own: “How can I not talk about politics today?” Read More