How Are You Filling Your Love Basket?

How Are You Filling Your Love Basket?
Every year I am baffled by the cynicism surrounding Valentine’s Day. So maybe the card companies and chocolate manufacturers are doing well this time of year, but really, so what? I have always adored Valentine’s Day, not necessarily for its romantic inclination, but because it celebrates love. And from where I sit, that means all kinds of love. Anyone can have an abundance of love in their life if they open themselves up to the possibilities of where it can be found. Read More

Love is a Verb

Love is a Verb
From a very young age, I always loved Valentine’s Day. Each year, when February rolled around, our local drugstore would fill its ‘seasonal aisle’ with Hallmark cards, chocolate hearts, stuffed teddy bears and those pastel-colored Sweetheart candies. Read More

You Say You Want a Revolution

You Say You Want a Revolution
The dust has barely settled since Tuesday November 8th, and I’m disturbed by people, media and social posts telling us to “get back to normal.” Read More