Biz Success  
Why Your Brand Hasn’t Reached
Icon Status… Yet
Thursday, June 10, 2021
You’ve got it all… The beautifully designed website. Fabulous, professionally-shot photos. Tons of great content on your site for visitors to enjoy. Everything is up and running, and yet… clients and customers aren’t exactly banging down your door and you definitely don’t feel like an icon. Compared to other people in your industry, you feel unnoticed. Sales are slow. You’ve done all of this hard work to set up your business and establish a name for yourself, and it feels like it’s just not working. You might be wondering, “Why? What’s not clicking?!”
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This is How You Own the Place
(Enter to WIN Your Very Own Copy of
“Like She Owns the Place”)
Monday, July 23, 2018
If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that confidence and rock solid inner peace don’t come from something outside of you. No amount of Botox injections, workouts, job promotions, coveted reservations at the hot new restaurant or club or designer shoes and handbags will sustain you in the long run. You might get the emotional equivalent of a sugar rush, but that temporary high will be just that – temporary. Maintaining real confidence is work – a daily practice and commitment. It requires patience, dedication, forgiveness, and an incredible amount of self-compassion.
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