Biz Success  Inspiration  
Building Your Brand:
What’s Love Got to Do With It
Sunday, February 13, 2022
I’m sharing a very important Valentine’s Day-themed secret with you: the key to creating a compelling brand is to find your people and love them hard. Showing up. A personal touch. Delighting your customers. Helping and giving without expectation of return. This is how love builds your brand. Here are five steps to breathing some love and life into your brand’s pulse.
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Biz Success  
How to Capture Attention
in Today’s Crowded Digital Space
Monday, January 18, 2021
Many statisticians and trend forecasters have predicted that we have fast-forwarded in the online space by six to eight years in the last 10 months alone. There is more noise, clutter and uncertainty than ever before and most people will continue to interact, engage and purchase online long after the pandemic is behind us. In the face of such fierce competition based on sheer volume, how do you capture the attention of your prospective customers? How do you make sure that you are seen and heard, and most importantly, that you make an emotional connection with them? In an increasingly crowded online space, there are two questions you must ask yourself before diving into content creation and marketing.
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How to Create a Successful Blog
Part Five: It’s OK to Stop Blogging (Seriously!)
Monday, January 21, 2019
We’re coming to the end of a five-part series on how to build a successful blog. So far, we’ve discussed several things, including how to define what having a “successful blog” actually means to you. How to come up with a structure for your blog. How to drive more traffic to your blog. And more. And now, for the final installment of this series, I have some unexpected advice for you. I want you to know… It’s OK to stop blogging.
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How to Create a Successful Blog
Part Three: Serve Your People
Monday, December 3, 2018
Blogging is a lot like giving a performance onstage. You get up there. You deliver your best material. And then, you want to see the audience react. You want to feel like you’re serving your audience—inspiring them, delighting them, and holding their attention, not boring them! But in order to serve your audience, first, you need to understand what they want and need. How can you figure this out? It’s not actually that difficult.
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