There’s No Such Thing as Passive Income
(or a Successful Passive Brand)

There’s No Such Thing as Passive Income <br>(or a Successful Passive Brand)
In the entrepreneurial world, the idea of building a brand and creating passive income has always been the holy grail. Do the work once, set it on auto pilot through the magic of technology and scale, and then see the dollars roll in in perpetuity. I’m sorry to disappoint, but I’m here to tell you there’s no such thing. Read More

Will You Take The
Anti-Racist Small Business Pledge?

Will You Take The <br>Anti-Racist Small Business Pledge?
I recently attended a virtual event organized by my good friend, Rachel Rodgers: Reimagining Small Business was presented as a town hall to listen, learn and commit to building equitable, anti-racist organizations. There were thousands of small business owners in attendance and we were all asked to sign The Anti-Racist Small Business Pledge, committing ourselves to equity, diversity and inclusion in both our personal and professional lives. Will you take The Anti-Racist Small Business Pledge with me? Read More

There is Work to Be Done:
Anti-Racism Resources

There is Work to Be Done: <br>Anti-Racism Resources
I sat at my computer keyboard many times this week trying to find the words to best express my sadness at the horrible and violent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and the countless others that came before them. I am outraged at the police brutality and the racial injustice that still permeates our society at every level. But I also realize that my outrage is not nearly enough. I want to listen and I want to learn, but I also want to speak out and I want to help. Find anti-racism resources here. Read More