Why Your Brand Hasn’t Reached
Icon Status… Yet

Why Your Brand Hasn’t Reached <br>Icon Status… Yet
You’ve got it all… The beautifully designed website. Fabulous, professionally-shot photos. Tons of great content on your site for visitors to enjoy. Everything is up and running, and yet… clients and customers aren’t exactly banging down your door and you definitely don’t feel like an icon. Compared to other people in your industry, you feel unnoticed. Sales are slow. You’ve done all of this hard work to set up your business and establish a name for yourself, and it feels like it’s just not working. You might be wondering, “Why? What’s not clicking?!” Read More

Build a Better Brand in 2020

Build a Better Brand in 2020
In today’s overcrowded and noisy marketplace filled with 24/7 newsfeeds, emails, messages and social channels, it takes a lot more than a pretty logo or a Facebook ad to get someone’s attention. In the last few years, SheBrand has created a few resources to help you gain the clarity, focus and direction you need to launch your brand or take it to the next level. And they’re yours at no charge. Read More

Create a More Compelling Brand in 2019
with the One Page Brand Plan

Create a More Compelling Brand in 2019 <br>with the One Page Brand Plan
In today’s overcrowded and noisy marketplace filled with 24/7 newsfeeds, emails, messages and social channels, it takes a lot more than a pretty logo to stand out. Whether you’re selling a product, service, workshop – or anything else for that matter – the best way to get your target audience’s attention is to develop a relationship with them. Read More

Your New Life is Waiting:
The SheBrand Life Vision 2019 Workbook

Your New Life is Waiting: <br>The SheBrand Life Vision 2019 Workbook
Most people write out the exact same resolutions year after year for at least a decade and never actually accomplish them. How many times have you done this, only to feel deflated by the end of January when most of them have fallen victim to more pressing matters? I believe there is a much better way to get clear, feel good, set powerful intentions and then take inspired action to reach your goals and live a more fulfilling life. Read More