Women Can Stop Donald Trump. Here’s How.

Donald TrumpDonald Trump has called women bimbos, dogs and fat pigs. He wants to ban abortions, punish women who have them and appoint anti-choice justices to the Supreme Court.

He also thinks it’s ok to pay working mothers less since they “spend so much time with their children.” If elected, he would be a nightmare for women. Women made up 53% of voters in 2012, and if we all turn out again to vote this year, we can single-handedly stop Trump.


Here’s what you can do to make sure Donald Trump never sets foot in the oval office:

1. Pledge to Stop Trump – go to https://www.womencanstoptrump.com to sign the pledge, and if you choose, make a donation to Emily’s List

2. Share this video as widely as possible

3. VOTE on November 8th

Women can stop Trump

To quote Lindy West from her recent piece in The Guardian, “We’ve read up on Trump’s alignment with an anti-abortion extremist group, and his avowal to “get very tough” on “thing[s]” apparently including freedom of expression. We’ve clocked Trump’s pin-drop silence on the shooting deaths of Terence Crutcher and Tyre King, though – don’t worry – over the summer he promised to make the streets safer … for police. Trump “joked” (again!) about the assassination of Hillary Clinton. His son compared refugees, who are human beings who need our asylum to live, to Skittles, which are sweets. You’re voting for a president soon. Do you want a graduate of Yale law school who served eight years as a US senator and four as secretary of state? Or a racist landlord who moonlights as a tie salesman?”

We cannot let this man take office.

To learn more, sign the pledge and donate, visit https://www.womencanstoptrump.com and https://www.emilyslist.org.

Donald Trump

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